First I choose colors that appeal to me in the moment |
and then I put paint in front of me |
and I play with the paint |
until the painting starts to tell me what it wants to become |
I continue to follow where the paint leads me |
and remember that it does not matter what my painting looks like |
as long as I feel alive and engaged while painting. |
Intuitive Painting is a wonderful way to deepen your connection to your intuition and your creative potential. It is so freeing to release the need to produce a pretty picture and to simply allow the paint do become whatever it wants to become. If you are looking for freedom or a playground to play on, this is one of the most entertaining ways I know of to let loose and take a break from the challenges that life can bring.
Think you can't paint? I think you can! |
Classes available soon at The Intuitive Painting Place in Clinton, Mississippi where you can step into abundance and paint freely. All supplies are provided for you. All you have to do is show up with a willingness to play.
Beverly Keaton Smith
Great way to visualize and illustrate the process.