Welcome to The Intuitive Painting Place

The name of this art studio is now TiP Expressive Arts. Send email to Beverly@TipArts.com or visit website at http://www.TipArts.com. Thanks for dropping by!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Voice of Intuition versus The Voice of the Inner Critic

I inherited ugly wallpaper when I moved into my house eight years ago. Those in the know informed me that stripping wallpaper is not fun and that I might find some unwelcome surprises under the wallpaper. Best to paint over the wallpaper and leave well enough along. 

So, I did just that but never felt much love for the painted wallpaper. Still, every time I thought about stripping the wallpaper, I would hear “the voice” spring to life in my head. “Don’t do it. Probably a big mess under that wallpaper. It’s a much bigger job than you realize.” 

This week I decide the wallpaper must go. I visit Home Depot and consult with the expert sales associate who shows me the supplies I need and then an amazing thing happens. The Voice resurfaces. The nice guy at Home Depot ends his explanation of wallpaper removal by looking deep into my eyes before saying, “it’s going to be a big job. It’s a real pain to do this. You sure you want to do it?” 

For a moment, time stands still as I marvel at the cleverness of my inner critic who has impressively found a way to speak to me through a total stranger. My response is forthright. “Yes, I’m going to do it.” With a nod, the guy looks at me, shrugs his shoulders and says, “okay, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.” 

And to the world I want to say….

Yes, it was a BIG job. 

Yes, I uncovered a big hole in the wall that I had to deal with.
Yes, it took me way more time and energy than I expected.


YES, I did it!

I tell you this story to share with you that the practice of intuitive painting has strengthened my ability to push through negative voices (AKA: inner critic, gremlin) that try to talk me out of doing the things I really want to do.

How does this work?
Often, while playing with intuitive painting, you will hear the voice of your intuition attempt to guide you in a certain direction with the paints or colors. At the same time, the inner critic will often try to convince you to resist the guidance of your intuition. If you allow the inner critic to win, you will most likely become bored or disengaged with your painting. However, when you push through the resistance that is created by the inner critic and paint in the way your intuition tells you to paint, you  are renewed with a sense of aliveness and excitement. 

We usually have no idea how much our inner critic is running the show, keeping us from doing the things we really want to do. The practice of Intuitive painting allows you to turn up the volume on the voice of your intuition while simultaneously turning down the volume of the inner critic in all areas of life, not just painting. 

Believe me, I know. I’ve got a garbage bag full of wallpaper scraps to prove it!

Happy Painting! 


After Thanksgiving Intuitive Painting Class

Cost: $35 for three hours of playful painting, includes all supplies

The Intuitive Painting Place (TIP)
400 Monroe Street, Clinton, Mississippi

Questions? Visit the FAQ page by clicking here
To Register, Contact Beverly .

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