Welcome to The Intuitive Painting Place

The name of this art studio is now TiP Expressive Arts. Send email to Beverly@TipArts.com or visit website at http://www.TipArts.com. Thanks for dropping by!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Meaningless Paintings Welcomed

Beverly Keaton Smith


There is no must in art because art is free.
~Wassily Kandinsky

When my painting mentor, Chris Zydel, told me that some intuitive paintings have no meaning, I cringed.   A painting with no meaning seemed impossible to me. What would be the point of a painting if no meaning can be squeezed out of it? Surely there must be a reason for every painting. A purpose, lesson, message, revelation, insight, beauty or something. Right? No, not necessarily. (See painting above.)

It is liberating to know that I do not have to search for meaning in all of my intuitive paintings. Sometimes they do not make sense and have no purpose beyond allowing me to get to the next painting. And that is OKAY! I liken it to the writer who writes many needless words in a rough draft or a photographer who shoots a whole slew of photos that are rejected. For me, intuitive painting follows a similar pattern. I sift through quite a few senseless, ugly, strange paintings to get to the ones that hold value and meaning for me. 

While the meaningless paintings might seem useless and unappealing, I have learned to look at them with a gentle eye and heart. They remind me that creativity shows up in many forms. No matter how an intuitive painting turns out, I enjoy the quiet time I spend with myself and the painting. Rules, responsibilities and worries cease to exist while colorful paint is covering the canvas. Everything is okay and I feel free. That alone is enough of a payoff for me. 

Bottom line? 

Intuitive painting is about the process, not the product. 
Meaningless paintings welcomed. 
Bring 'em on!

Beverly Keaton Smith

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